National Awards “Science and Research”
NEW! RJMP has announced the annually National Award for "Science and Research" for the best scientific articles published throughout the year in the official journal.
Read the Recommendations for the Conduct, Reporting, Editing, and Publication of Scholarly work in Medical Journals.
The published medical research literature is a global public good. Medical journal editors have a social responsibility to promote global health by publishing, whenever possible, research that furthers health worldwide.
CUPRINS | Vol. II, No. 4 (8), 2007 |
1. Actualizari oportune. Conferinta Nationala de Medicina Familiei, Bucuresti, 25-27 Octombrie 2007
2. Alcoholic hepatitis - current concepts and management
3. Dislipidemiile si relatia lor cu patologia generala
4. Canalul atrio-ventricular comun
5. Tablou hematologic de imprumut intr-un neoplasm mamar cu metastaze medulare. Importanta biopsiei medulare - caz clinic
6. Which lifestyle interventions effectively lower LDL cholesterol?
7. Does a low-fat diet help prevent breast cancer?
8. What we really need to do to reduce cardiovascular events in hypertensive patients
9. BNP ca factor predictiv al morbiditatii si mortalitatii cordului pulmonar acut
10. Riscul cardiovascular la pacientii cu diabet zaharat si hipertensiune arteriala
11. Postul si beneficiile lui pentru sanatate
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