Romanian Journal of Medical Practice | Practica Medicala, Vol. XIV, No. 2 (66), 2019
ISSN 1842-8258  |  e-ISSN 2069-6108
ISSN-L 1842-8258
DOI: 10.37897/RJMP


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CONTENTS  Vol. XIV, No. 2 (66), 2019

Surgical therapies for iatrogenic bile duct lesions (IBDL) – review

Bogdan Socea, Cristian Craciun, Ovidiu Gabriel Bratu, Cristinel Dumitru Badiu, Dan Dumitrescu, Mihai Dimitriu, Ana Maria Alexandra Stanescu, Vlad Denis Constantin
[ full article ] — Ref: Ro J Med Pract. 2019;XIV(2). DOI: 10.37897/RJMP.2019.2.2

Ways to reduce cesarean surgery

Masoumeh Birjandi, Dimitrie Nanu
[ full article ] — Ref: Ro J Med Pract. 2019;XIV(2). DOI: 10.37897/RJMP.2019.2.3

A meta-analysis and systematic review of the presence of depression among patients with vitiligo

Ana Maria Alexandra Stanescu, Ioana Veronica Grajdeanu, Constantin Stefani, Mihaela Adela Iancu, Bogdan Serban, Ovidiu Gabriel Bratu, Bogdan Socea, Camelia Cristina Diaconu
[ full article ] — Ref: Ro J Med Pract. 2019;XIV(2). DOI: 10.37897/RJMP.2019.2.4

Renal affectation in polyrheumatoid arthritis

Delia Timofte, Adina Mandita, Andra-Elena Balcangiu-Stroescu, Daniela Balan, Laura Raducu, Maria Daniela Tanasescu, Alexandru Diaconescu, Dragos Dorin, Cristina-Ileana Cosconel, Dorin Ionescu
[ full article ] — Ref: Ro J Med Pract. 2019;XIV(2). DOI: 10.37897/RJMP.2019.2.5

Ergonomic concepts in dental medicine

Irina Adriana Beuran, Augustin Mihai, Viorel Stefan Perieanu, Ileana Ionescu, Oana Eftene, Simion Gh. Dumitru, Claudia-Camelia Burcea, Iuliana Babiuc, Corina Marilena Cristache, Mihai Burlibasa, Liliana Burlibasa, Cosmin Medar, Maria Glencora Costache, Madalina Violeta Perieanu, Gabriela Tanase, Oana-Cella Andrei
[ full article ] — Ref: Ro J Med Pract. 2019;XIV(2). DOI: 10.37897/RJMP.2019.2.6

Cross-sectional study on the relationship between therapeutical education and self-monitoring of blood glucose

Alina Delia Popa, Ileana Antohe
[ full article ] — Ref: Ro J Med Pract. 2019;XIV(2). DOI: 10.37897/RJMP.2019.2.7

Analysis of polymorphic options of the eNOS, PNPLA3, CD14 genes at alcoholic liver disease

Molodtsov V.Ye., Rossokha Z.I., Fediv O.I., Stupnytska H.Ya.
[ full article ] — Ref: Ro J Med Pract. 2019;XIV(2). DOI: 10.37897/RJMP.2019.2.8

Cognitive fragility - predictive factor for neurocognitive disorders. Methods of evaluation and prevention of cognitive fragility in clinical practice

Oana Maria Stanciu, Cristian Teodorescu, Sorin Riga, Magdalena Budișteanu, Bogdan Budișteanu, Dan Riga
[ full article ] — Ref: Ro J Med Pract. 2019;XIV(2). DOI: 10.37897/RJMP.2019.2.9

Theoretical and practical considerations in the therapy of morpho-functional disorders of the dento-maxillary system in preschool age – preliminary study

Irina Adriana Beuran, Augustin Mihai, Viorel Stefan Perieanu, Ileana Ionescu, Oana Eftene, Simion Gh. Dumitru, Claudia-Camelia Burcea, Iuliana Babiuc, Corina Marilena Cristache, Burlibasa, Liliana Burlibasa, Cosmin Medar, Maria Glencora Costache, Madalina Violeta Perieanu, Gabriela Tanase, Oana-Cella Andrei
[ full article ] — Ref: Ro J Med Pract. 2019;XIV(2). DOI: 10.37897/RJMP.2019.2.10

Recurrent wheezing in infants and preschool children – risk factors that influence the severity of acute episodes

Alexandru-Ioan Ulmeanu, Andreea Maria Vlad, Carmen Zapucioiu, Coriolan Ulmeanu
[ full article ] — Ref: Ro J Med Pract. 2019;XIV(2). DOI: 10.37897/RJMP.2019.2.11

Efficiency of synthetic melatonin in comprehensive therapy of patients with a combination of irritable bowel syndrome with constipation, arterial hypertension and obesity

Vasyl H. Mishchuk, Galina V. Grygoruk, Natalia V. Hubina, Halyna V. Kozinchuk, Hanna Y. Stupnytska
[ full article ] — Ref: Ro J Med Pract. 2019;XIV(2). DOI: 10.37897/RJMP.2019.2.12

Comparative analysis of cases of measles from Romania, Bulgaria and Hungary in the context of the European Union

Ana Maria Alexandra Stanescu, Alexandra Totan, Daniela Miricescu, Constantin Stefani, Bogdan Serban, Ioana Veronica Grajdeanu, Camelia Cristina Diaconu
[ full article ] — Ref: Ro J Med Pract. 2019;XIV(2). DOI: 10.37897/RJMP.2019.2.13

The etiology and therapeutic management of pneumothorax and pneumomediastinum in children

Alexandru-Ioan Ulmeanu, Sorina Stuparu, Anamaria Andreia Ulmeanu, Carmen Zapucioiu
[ full article ] — Ref: Ro J Med Pract. 2019;XIV(2). DOI: 10.37897/RJMP.2019.2.14

Clinical-statistical study of multiple synchronous and metacrone tumors

Nicoleta Aurelia Sanda, R.V. Costea, C.C. Popa, Daniela Aurora Pesu, M.R. Ristea, S.I. Neagu
[ full article ] — Ref: Ro J Med Pract. 2019;XIV(2). DOI: 10.37897/RJMP.2019.2.15

Medical versus surgical treatment of ectopic pregnancy

Gladys C. Al Jashi, Andra Bordeianu, Massawi Tarig, Dimitrie C. Nanu, Isam Al Jashi
[ full article ] — Ref: Ro J Med Pract. 2019;XIV(2). DOI: 10.37897/RJMP.2019.2.16

Aortic arch calcification in hypertensive patients with chronic kidney disease

Claudia Floriana Suciu, Andreea Varga, Corneliu Florin Buicu, Valeria Herdea, Toader Septimiu Voidazan, Ioan Tilea
[ full article ] — Ref: Ro J Med Pract. 2019;XIV(2). DOI: 10.37897/RJMP.2019.2.17

Anastomotic recurrence after 1/3-year rectal neoplasm operated with preservation of the anal sphincter

Daniela Aurora Pesu, Radu Virgil Costea, Cristian Constantin Popa, Nicoleta Aurelia Sanda, Andreea Iliesiu, Stefan Ilie Neagu
[ full article ] — Ref: Ro J Med Pract. 2019;XIV(2). DOI: 10.37897/RJMP.2019.2.18

Adrenal ultrasound

Diana Loreta Paun, Mara Carsote, Ana Valea, Ancuta Augustina Gheorghisan-Galateanu, Rucsandra Danciulescu-Miulescu, Adina Ghemigian
[ full article ] — Ref: Ro J Med Pract. 2019;XIV(2). DOI: 10.37897/RJMP.2019.2.19


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