Romanian Journal of Medical Practice | Practica Medicala, Vol. XV, No. 4 (73), 2020
ISSN 1842-8258  |  e-ISSN 2069-6108
ISSN-L 1842-8258
DOI: 10.37897/RJMP


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CONTENTS  Vol. XV, No. 4 (73), 2020

COVID-19 – apiphytotherapeutic opportunities for prevention and treatment

Cristina Munteanu
[ full article ] — Ref: Ro J Med Pract. 2020;XV(4). DOI: 10.37897/RJMP.2020.4.2

The safety of the savior – an important goal in 21st century Europe

Florina Cofaru, Silvia Nica, Adela Iancu, Irina-Anca Eremia
[ full article ] — Ref: Ro J Med Pract. 2020;XV(4). DOI: 10.37897/RJMP.2020.4.3

Risk factors in the practice of primary care

Afilon Jompan
[ full article ] — Ref: Ro J Med Pract. 2020;XV(4). DOI: 10.37897/RJMP.2020.4.4

Data regarding physiatric advanced approaches of stabilometric and virtual reality for balance assessment and (re)training in cerebral palsy

Radu Mihai Avram, Gelu Onose, Liliana Padure
[ full article ] — Ref: Ro J Med Pract. 2020;XV(4). DOI: 10.37897/RJMP.2020.4.5

Screening for inherited thrombophilias and prophylaxis of venous thromboembolism in pregnancy and puerperium

Ana Scutelnicu, Corina Gică, Radu Botezatu, Nicolae Gică, Anca Marina Ciobanu, Brindușa Cimpoca, Gheorghe Peltecu, Anca Maria Panaitescu
[ full article ] — Ref: Ro J Med Pract. 2020;XV(4). DOI: 10.37897/RJMP.2020.4.6

Twist of endocrine scenario: Approach of ectopic Cushing syndrome (review)

Andra Morar, Adina Ghemigian, Claudiu Tupea, Eugenia Petrova, Mihaela Popescu, Mara Carsote, Nicoleta Dumitru, Ana Valea
[ full article ] — Ref: Ro J Med Pract. 2020;XV(4). DOI: 10.37897/RJMP.2020.4.7

New aspects detached from the molecular landscape of dental caries process

Alexandra Totan, Marina Melescanu Imre, Oana Elena Amza, Angelica Bencze, Ana Maria Cristina Tancu
[ full article ] — Ref: Ro J Med Pract. 2020;XV(4). DOI: 10.37897/RJMP.2020.4.8

Why a generalized serological screening in early pregnancy for CMV is just not justifiable?

Ana Duminica, Corina Gica, Nicolae Gica, Radu Botezatu, Gheorghe Peltecu, Anca Marina Ciobanu, Anca Maria Panaitescu
[ full article ] — Ref: Ro J Med Pract. 2020;XV(4). DOI: 10.37897/RJMP.2020.4.9

The follow-up care process in pediatric dentistry – part II

Mirel Toma, Florentina Radu, Gabriel Ciochinda, Cristina Nicoleta Mihai, Sorin Nicolae Popescu, Viorel Stefan Perieanu, Corina Marilena Cristache, Maria Glencora Costache, Oana Eftene, Magdalena Natalia Dina, Madalina Malita, Iuliana Babiuc, Raluca Costea, Radu Costea, Elena-Cristina Marcov, Silvia Per, Valentin Sava, Madalina Violeta Perieanu
[ full article ] — Ref: Ro J Med Pract. 2020;XV(4). DOI: 10.37897/RJMP.2020.4.10

Cultural aspects of play. Implications for the psychological evaluation and therapy of children diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder

Raluca Cristina Vărăşteanu, Cezarina Daniela Stănescu Boţan, Raluca Dafina Ionuţiu, Andrei Kozma
[ full article ] — Ref: Ro J Med Pract. 2020;XV(4). DOI: 10.37897/RJMP.2020.4.11

Healthcare associated infections reports assessment in the neonatology and pediatrics departments

Elena Mocanu, Corina Voinea, Valentin-Vasile Broască-Madar, Beatrice Severin, Liviu Merdinian, Sorin Rugină
[ full article ] — Ref: Ro J Med Pract. 2020;XV(4). DOI: 10.37897/RJMP.2020.4.12

Inherited thrombophilia in pregnancy. Study by questionnaire method in a group of pregnant women

Mohammed Bashir Madalah, Eduard Circo, Maria Şuţa, Cătălin Grigore, Bogdan Ciornei
[ full article ] — Ref: Ro J Med Pract. 2020;XV(4). DOI: 10.37897/RJMP.2020.4.13

Major variations in blood glucose levels in pediatric patients with type 1 diabetes

Adriana Cosmescu, Carmen Oltean, Agnes Bacusca, Livia Petroaie, Ana-Maria Slanina, Antoneta Dacia Petroaie
[ full article ] — Ref: Ro J Med Pract. 2020;XV(4). DOI: 10.37897/RJMP.2020.4.14

Analysis of cases of infections associated with health care registered in Constanta County during 2014-2018

Corina Voinea, Elena Mocanu, Valentin-Vasile Broască-Madar, Loredana Pazara, Sorin Rugină
[ full article ] — Ref: Ro J Med Pract. 2020;XV(4). DOI: 10.37897/RJMP.2020.4.15

When neurosurgery is not an option…

Ana Valea, Andra Morar, Eugenia Petrova, Nicoleta Dumitru, Claudiu Tupea, Mihaela Popescu, Adina Ghemigian, Mara Carsote
[ full article ] — Ref: Ro J Med Pract. 2020;XV(4). DOI: 10.37897/RJMP.2020.4.16

Splenic rupture in a patient on antiplatelet therapy – the role of splenic angioembolization

D.P. Venter, Mircea Beuran, L. Gulie, C. Oprescu, M. Bratu, Mircea Venter, Alexandru Chiotoroiu
[ full article ] — Ref: Ro J Med Pract. 2020;XV(4). DOI: 10.37897/RJMP.2020.4.17


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