Romanian Journal of Medical Practice | Vol. X, No. 2 (39), 2015
ISSN 1842-8258  |  e-ISSN 2069-6108
ISSN-L 1842-8258
DOI: 10.37897/RJMP


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CUPRINS  Vol. X, No. 2 (39), 2015

Caracterele fenotipice pigmentare - factori de risc importanti in cancerul cutanat

Asist. Univ. Dr. Mariana Grigore, Dr. Alina Avram
[ full article ] — Ref: Ro J Med Pract. 2015;X(2). DOI: 10.37897/RJMP.2015.2.1

Factorii genetici ai trombofiliilor ereditare si implicarea lor in avortul spontan

Asist. Univ. Dr. Kinga Kozma, Sef Lucr. Dr. Claudia Jurca, Prof. Dr. Marius Bembea
[ full article ] — Ref: Ro J Med Pract. 2015;X(2). DOI: 10.37897/RJMP.2015.2.2

Up to date review reporting the technological details of devices used in the management of neurogenic bladder in post spinal cord injury patients

Aura Spinu, Cristina Daia, Monica Haras, Aurelian Anghelescu, Gelu Onose
[ full article ] — Ref: Ro J Med Pract. 2015;X(2). DOI: 10.37897/RJMP.2015.2.3

Basic special needs and related approaches - mainly medical - for patients following moderate/severe traumatic brain injury

Cristina Popescu, Aurelian Anghelescu, Cristina Daia, Gelu Onose
[ full article ] — Ref: Ro J Med Pract. 2015;X(2). DOI: 10.37897/RJMP.2015.2.4

Analiza economica a managementului medical al colectomiilor stangi cu anastomoza

H. Basca Pantu, D. Dumitrescu, R. Borcan, T. Trotea, C. savlovschi
[ full article ] — Ref: Ro J Med Pract. 2015;X(2). DOI: 10.37897/RJMP.2015.2.5

Current synthetic overview on spinal cord injury (SCI) epidemiological data

Ioana Andone, Aurelian Anghelescu, Cristina Daia, Gelu Onose
[ full article ] — Ref: Ro J Med Pract. 2015;X(2). DOI: 10.37897/RJMP.2015.2.6

Clasificarea cefaleelor

Dr. Corneliu Toader, Dr. Miorita Toader, Dr. Mircea Draghici, Dr. Alina Oprea, Dr. Andreea Serbanica, Dr. Daniela Neacsu, Dr. Iolanda Vivisenco
[ full article ] — Ref: Ro J Med Pract. 2015;X(2). DOI: 10.37897/RJMP.2015.2.7

The surgical treatment of thoracic metastases in ovarian cancer

Alice Savescu, Irina Balescu, Nicolae Bacalbasa
[ full article ] — Ref: Ro J Med Pract. 2015;X(2). DOI: 10.37897/RJMP.2015.2.8

Trombelastometria rotationala (ROTEM) - o noua metoda de diagnostic a tulburarilor complexe de hemostaza la pacientul politraumatizat

Dr. Ioana Cristina Grintescu, Dr. Liliana Mirea, Prof. Dr. Mircea Beuran, Prof. Dr. Ioana Marina Grintescu
[ full article ] — Ref: Ro J Med Pract. 2015;X(2). DOI: 10.37897/RJMP.2015.2.9

Gamma Knife Stereotactic Radiosurgery (GKS) for the treatment of Vestibular Schwannomas (VS)

R. Perin, A. Mohan, H. Moisa, A.V. Ciurea
[ full article ] — Ref: Ro J Med Pract. 2015;X(2). DOI: 10.37897/RJMP.2015.2.10

Poliartrita reumatoida - un subiect mereu in actualitate

Asist. Univ. Dr. Mihaela Daniela Balta, Prof. Dr. Dumitru Matei, Asist. Univ. Dr. Mihaela Milicescu, Dr. Teodora Serban, Dr. Oana Vutcanu, Conf. Dr. Mihai Bojinca
[ full article ] — Ref: Ro J Med Pract. 2015;X(2). DOI: 10.37897/RJMP.2015.2.11

Importanta utilizarii alimentatiei prin gastrostoma endoscopica percutanata in managementul pacientilor cu neoplasme ale capului si gatului

Alina Georgiana Anghel, Ion Anghel, Mihai Dumitru, Adriana Oana Anghel, Dan Cristian, Traean Burcos
[ full article ] — Ref: Ro J Med Pract. 2015;X(2). DOI: 10.37897/RJMP.2015.2.12

Eficacitatea si siguranta blocului de plex brahial ghidat ecografic in chirurgia membrului superior

Asist. Univ. Dr. Raluca Ungureanu, Asist. Univ. Dr. Liliana Mirea, Prof. Dr. Ioana Grintescu, Prof. Dr. Dan Tulbure, Conf. Dr. Gheorghe Popescu
[ full article ] — Ref: Ro J Med Pract. 2015;X(2). DOI: 10.37897/RJMP.2015.2.13

Acute respiratory infections in children from an ENT perspective 

A. Zamfir-Chiru-Anton, N. Manea, D.C. Gheorghe
[ full article ] — Ref: Ro J Med Pract. 2015;X(2). DOI: 10.37897/RJMP.2015.2.14

Obezitatea copiilor - o problema a societatii noastre

Asist. Univ. Dr. Mihaela Adela Iancu, Prof. Dr. Dumitru Matei, Asist. Univ. Dr. Gabriel Cristian Bejan
[ full article ] — Ref: Ro J Med Pract. 2015;X(2). DOI: 10.37897/RJMP.2015.2.15

Apneea in somn la copil - tratament chirurgical 

Corneliu Toader, Miorita Toader, Andreea serbanica, Mircea Draghici, Alina Oprea, Iolanda Cristina Vivisenco
[ full article ] — Ref: Ro J Med Pract. 2015;X(2). DOI: 10.37897/RJMP.2015.2.16

Prevalenta sindromului metabolic in populatia hipertensiva si riscul de aparitie a bolilor cardiovasculare aterosclerotice

Asist. Univ. Dr. Gabriel Cristian Bejan, Prof. Dr. Dumitru Matei, Asist. Univ. Dr. Adela Iancu
[ full article ] — Ref: Ro J Med Pract. 2015;X(2). DOI: 10.37897/RJMP.2015.2.17

Multimodal management in intracranial cavernous angiomas (intracranial cavernomas). An experience of 99 cases 

A. Sasaran, A. Mohan, F. Stoica, H. Moisa, A.V. Ciurea
[ full article ] — Ref: Ro J Med Pract. 2015;X(2). DOI: 10.37897/RJMP.2015.2.18

Surgical approach of complex cases of uterine fibromatosis - three case reports and literature review 

Razvan Iosifescu, Octav Ginghina, Rubin Munteanu, Clarisa Gidea, Andrada Spanu, Camelia Calin, Nicolae Iordache
[ full article ] — Ref: Ro J Med Pract. 2015;X(2). DOI: 10.37897/RJMP.2015.2.19

Adenomul toxic tiroidian - prezentare de caz si consideratii generale

A. Ghemigian, I. Popescu, E. Petrova, M. Ghemigian
[ full article ] — Ref: Ro J Med Pract. 2015;X(2). DOI: 10.37897/RJMP.2015.2.20
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