Romanian Journal of Medical Practice | Vol. II, No. 2 (6), 2007
ISSN 1842-8258  |  e-ISSN 2069-6108
ISSN-L 1842-8258
DOI: 10.37897/RJMP


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Promoting Global Health

The published medical research literature is a global public good. Medical journal editors have a social responsibility to promote global health by publishing, whenever possible, research that furthers health worldwide.

CUPRINS  Vol. II, No. 2 (6), 2007


Palme d'Or pentru asistenta medicala din Romania

Adrian Restian

1. Monkey genes help us see what makes us human

Maggie Fox

2. Antidepressants' benefits exceed risks - US study

Julie Steenhuysen

3. Argentine cow clones to produce insulin in milk

Helen Popper

4. Aspirin reduces overall cancer and mortality rates

5. Blood cells help treat diabetes patients-study

Maggie Fox

6. Cell phones unlikely to cause brain cancer: study

7. Cocoa, not tea, calms blood pressure, study says

8. Obesity rising in Europe, especially in children

David Chance


9. Probleme ale patologiei legate de sexul si varsta pacientului

Eugeniu Pascal Ciofu

10. Rolul medicului de familie in depistarea clinica precoce a neoplaziilor la copil

Silvia Matasaru, Otilia Novac, Doina Felea, Adriana Cosmescu

11. Lucrarile celei de-a IX-a Conferinte Nationale a Societatii Romane de Ultrasonografie in Medicina si Biologie

Adrian Costache

12. Calitatea carnii si a preparatelor din carne de pe piata constanteana - analizata in perioada 2004-2006

Floarea Damaschin, Beatrice Severin, Violeta Sandu, Gabriela Mitrica, Magdalena Dragomir

13. Managementul arsurilor in practica medicului de familie

L. Lazar, F. Marcu

14. Zona zoster variceliforma - particularitate clinica evolutiva (prezentare de caz)

V.N. Parvulescu, Marcela Jifcu, Viorela Enachescu, Gabriela Parvulescu, Ligia Florea, Mihaela Ionita, Cristina Barbulescu, Vica Ciuvat, Roxana Chelaru, S.P. Bezna, Miruna Uta

15. What is the dietary treatment for low HDL cholesterol?

K. Colleen McDonald, Jean C. Blackwell

16. What lifestyle changes should we recommend for the patient with ewly diagnosed hypertension?

O. Bajenaru, B.O. Popescu, Catalina Tudose

17. I am the future of Family Medicine

Jeff Susman

18. In the absence of heart disease, smaller benefits from statins

P. Thavendiranathan, A. Bagai, M.A. Brookhart, N.K. Choudhry

19. Stress tests: How to make a calculated choice. Spare your patients unnecessary stress testing by determining their pretest probability for CAD

Dennis P. Breen

20. What are the indications for meningococcal vaccination?

Phillip Moye, Lisa Edgerton, Donna Flake

21. Will your patient fall? Cues to intervene now

D.A. Ganz , Y. Bao, P.G. Shekelle, L.A. Rubenstein


22. Study of clinical pharmacy on children prescriptions containing antimicrobial drugs, in community pharmacy

Cornel Chirita, Cristina Daniela Marineci, Simona Negres, Aurelia Nicoleta Cristea


23. Este neurofibromatoza o afectiune severa?

Carmen Ciofu
Conferinta Nationala de Medicina Familiei



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