Romanian Journal of Medical Practice | Vol. XI, No. 1 (43), 2016
ISSN 1842-8258  |  e-ISSN 2069-6108
ISSN-L 1842-8258
DOI: 10.37897/RJMP


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A meningocele complicating mastoidectomy – case considerations



Objective. To disscuss a less common complication of middle ear surgery. Meningoceles are dural herniations that can fill the mastoid cavities through congenital or aquired bony defects of the mastoid walls. They can complicate the postoperative course of surgery for chronic middle ear disease.

Material and method. Case presentation showing one patient who developed a mastoid meningocele after extensive cholesteatoma surgery.

Disscussion. The causes of dural herniation into the mastoid cavities are presented. Some hypothesis regarding the factors that favor the occurence of this complication are presented.

Conclusions. Surgical closing of the bone gap in the mastoid wall was the treatment we used. We can not ascertain yet the long term results of such surgical maneuver, regarding the technique and the graft we used. Attention to the mastoid surgical detail and good postoperative intensive care could prevent such complications.

Keywords: mastoidectomy, meningocele, cholesteatoma

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