Romanian Journal of Medical Practice | Vol. 18, No. 1 (93), 2023
ISSN 1842-8258  |  e-ISSN 2069-6108
ISSN-L 1842-8258
DOI: 10.37897/RJMP


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CONTENTS  Vol. 18, No. 1 (93), 2023

Neutrophil to lymphocyte ratio in ovarian cancer – a new prognostic marker?

Irina Balescu, Nicolae Bacalbasa, Iulian Brezean, Claudia Stoica, Cezar Laurentiu Tomescu, Cristina Martac, Andrei Voichitoiu, Bogdan Gaspar
[ full article ] — Ref: Ro J Med Pract. 2023;18(1). DOI: 10.37897/RJMP.2023.1.1« cite »

Phototherapy in allergic rhinitis

Radmila Anca Bugari, Sorin Baschir, Luminita Turcin, Dana Simona Chita, Dana Zdremtan, Ioana Floarea, Afilon Jompan, Alexandru Chioreanu
[ full article ] — Ref: Ro J Med Pract. 2023;18(1). DOI: 10.37897/RJMP.2023.1.2« cite »

Metabolic disorders and preventive measures against stones in the urinary tract

Petrit Nuraj, Agron Beqiri
[ full article ] — Ref: Ro J Med Pract. 2023;18(1). DOI: 10.37897/RJMP.2023.1.3« cite »

The place of miniinvasive Transanal-Hemorrhoidal-Dearterialisation and Rectopexy technique in the treatment of hemorrhoidal disease, an evaluation from cost-effectiveness point of view

Romica Mehic, Alexandra Diaconeasa, Mircea Beuran, Alexandru Chiotoroiu
[ full article ] — Ref: Ro J Med Pract. 2023;18(1). DOI: 10.37897/RJMP.2023.1.4« cite »

Theoretical and practical aspects regarding the role of the working model in the workflow of porcelain fused to metal fixed restorations - Preliminary study

Sergiu Drafta, Radu Costea, Mihai Burlibasa, Viorel Perieanu, Ileana Ionescu, Irina Adriana Beuran, Simion Gheorghe Dumitru, Madalina Perieanu, Liliana Burlibasa, Florentina Caministeanu, Cristina Maria Serbanescu, Camelia Ionescu
[ full article ] — Ref: Ro J Med Pract. 2023;18(1). DOI: 10.37897/RJMP.2023.1.7« cite »


Classic Hodgkin Lymphoma - mixed cellularity - case report and review of literature

Mihaela Oprea-Lebedenco, Nicoleta Berbec, Oana Stanca, Andrei Turbatu, Stefan Marin, Camelia Dobrea, Mihaela Andreescu, Anca Roxana Lupu
[ full article ] — Ref: Ro J Med Pract. 2023;18(1). DOI: 10.37897/RJMP.2023.1.5« cite »

Acute delirium as a form of presentation of a thalamic hemorrhagic stroke

Alberto Ibáñez Navarro, Paula Castillo Aguirre, Laura Mercedes Sarrasqueta Saenz, María Jesús Martínez Valles
[ full article ] — Ref: Ro J Med Pract. 2023;18(1). DOI: 10.37897/RJMP.2023.1.6« cite »

Technological aspects regarding the process of obtaining of ceramic veneers – Part 1

Radu Costea, Sergiu Drafta, Firas Sbeiti, Mihai Burlibasa, Viorel Perieanu, Ileana Ionescu, Simion Gheorghe Dumitru, Madalina Perieanu, Liliana Burlibasa, Florentina Caministeanu, Cristina Maria Serbanescu, Camelia Ionescu
[ full article ] — Ref: Ro J Med Pract. 2023;18(1). DOI: 10.37897/RJMP.2023.1.8« cite »


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